XC Online Shopping Tools
xCircular helps transform your existing assets into digitally optimized tools that reach more consumers, enlarge their average basket and grow sales. Leverage these online shopping tools available for you from the cloud, to boost your marketing team’s productivity and success.
xCircular’s patented technology creates a photo collage from multiple related product images. The user can select a collage template and create one or a set of scheduled tasks to automatically create hundreds of collages from their product images.
Product collages are used to enrich product family images and make your ad space work harder by nicely condensing multiple products into a single image.
XC Product Collages

Whether you manage the marketing of a brand, retail, wholesale or a manufacturing company you likely want to make product purchasing easily available to your audience.
With XC cloud-based tools, creating a variety of digital promotional flyer either from a printed flyer, or from scratch, becomes a breeze.
XC Digital Flyers & Catalogs

Do you like how products are presented for purchase in most e-commerce sites? Is it easy-to-find a product? Do you spend significant time to navigate in a digital store until you find what you need? If you are looking for a different experience, we believe you are right.
XC Digital Stores provides consumers a much quicker and simpler-to-use shopping experience.
XC Digital Shelves & Stores