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Frequently Asked Questions
What are online publications?Online publications today are commonly a PDF file that users download, open, flip and search. Types of online publications include simple PDFs, flipbooks, marketing flyers, promotional ads, and product catalogs. Online publications can be opened on all types of devices that consumers use. By adding video, audio, rich imagery, 3D and 360 views publications become more engaging, inspiring and available on web sites and used thru links via social and messaging platforms. xCircular takes online publications from their interactive level into the ecommerce. We do that by adding promotional and product information that enable shoppers to easily select items into their list or cart, auto-calculate their discounts and sale prices, and then checkout. By adding interactivity and clickability to ordinary publications we improve the customer experience, increase the number of shopping transactions and save significant time in the process.
What is an interactive document?Unlike passive PDF files that users can paginate and read, an interactive document embeds videos, images, links, 360 views of products and add shopping carts to it. Interactive documents include clickable hotspots, they draw more traffic, longer user engagement and they increase conversions.
What does a transactional publication means?Most publications today provide passive information to their readers. For example readers can search and read product information in a catalog. A transactional publication provides clickable hotspots and layers of information that help users make buying decisions and enable them to add items to a list for further action. Transactions you can fulfil using our publications include: Cart checkout, Place a Sales order, Request for Quote (RFQ), Request for Approval, Order now pickup later, and more.
What Checkout options are supported?The checkout step can be customized per publication in a variety of ways. In a retail promotional flyer or weekly ad for example, the product list could be sent to the customer’s ecommerce site for payment and delivery home. In a B2B product catalog the checkout step would email a selected product list to customer service for fulfilment, or email to the sales rep to request for a quote prior to the purchase. In a supermarket that uses social media to engage customers, shoppers could save time by ordering a list of deli items and come later to pick them up. In a restaurant, guests can scan a QR code to open a digital engaging menu on their phone, decide what to order and save wait time.
How long are my publications available online?For Subscribed users: Their publication will be removed at least 3 months after subscription is cancelled.
Who can see my published publications?Only people with the publication link can view them. You are in control of this link’s distribution.
Do you show ads on publications?No, we never show ads on flyers and catalogs. We keep them intact in their original source files.
Do you place watermarks on my publication?We don’t show watermarks in our publications.
Can I know how many people have visited my publications?Yes. You can access and view the publication stats to find out the number of visits, clicked interactions, source devices, web sites, item selected quantity and sales over time.
What value does the XC Flipbook add beyond viewing a PDF file?First, users save time by opening the flipbook from the cloud instead of waiting for long PDF file download before opening it from the local disk. Second, Emailing a large PDF file is inconvenient. Instead you can share or post the flipbook’s link and save time. Third, XC Flipbooks also enable to tailor publications with your logo, branding color and font; add Table of Contents, and share to social media. Most importantly, your free XC Flipbook account is a great foundation to upgrade to: XC Interactive Flyers that can double your audience engagement, or XC Shopping Flyers creating a new revenue stream for your products, or XC Digital Shelf Store , effectively displaying your full products range in an easy-to-buy from sales tool.
Is there any limit on the number, size and format of pages?We limit the number of pages per publication to 1000. If you need more, contact us. Page sizes cover regular magazines, catalog and digital newsletter sizes. Our various viewing and pagination options cover long or wide pages. It is your responsibility to provide sufficient pixel resolution in your publications to enable your viewers to comfortably read contents in the publication. We support PDF or JPG files when uploading publications. It is typically one PDF file per publication or one JPG file per page. We also support multiple PDF files upload to create a single publication. Print PDFs can sometimes be extremely large. Viewing them online does not require that large size per page, therefore, we reduce the pages’ size to improve display performance and save on storage.
How much storage does each publication take?It takes the size of the original pdf plus the size of all uploaded items and promos images via the Editor. To keep video storage in check we accept only links to streaming videos on YouTube or Vimeo channels. We also significantly reduce the size of publications’ page images to a readable size to save on storage. A typical publication takes a few Megabytes of storage.
What automatic publication removal options are there?In free accounts – we remove publications older than 3 months. In paid accounts – we remove publications older than 3 months after account cancellation.
Can I remove the xCircular logo from the publication?Yes, you can remove the XC logo when you subscribe to the Advanced package.
How can I use my own domain for the publication link?At present the flyer URL is in this format: https:/
How do I remove a publication?Log in, click the publication you want to remove in the Flyers dashboard, and click Delete.
What are account users?Account users are email addresses of a co-worker that you can invite to join your account and its flyers dashboard. They have full access to create, edit, and delete publications on your account.
Can you view the publication when offline?Our publications can only be viewed from the cloud, while being connected online.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter, and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
Can you view the publication when offline?Our publications can only be viewed from the cloud, while being connected online.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
What is a Shelf Store?XC Digital Store or Shelf Store is an innovative method of displaying a large number of products on the screen arranged by their 3 taxonomy levels. For example, one can find shampoo products in the “Health & Beauty” department of a store, in the “Hair Care” section and, in a rack of shelves displaying shampoos. Within the rack shampoos lay on shelves such that all items form the same brand are organized together in one area. This arrangement has several advantages. It is aesthetic, dense and allowing tens of similar items to be shown on the screen. Shoppers can just roll their eyes to visually browse and quickly find their product on the screen in a similar experience that they have in a physical store.
How does a Digital Flyer relate to a Shelf Store?While a digital flyer includes a select list of discounted products, users can go to the Shelf Store and see all the other products in that category that are fully priced. The Shelf Store helps marketers to extend their promotional flyers to a full store display, where shoppers can add items to the same shopping list. Users can jump back and forth between the flyer and the store, select products and checkout at once in the end of the process. The digital flyer is a tool to bring discount-looking shoppers on board, the shelf store helps the retailer to maintain higher margins by offering all their other products in the store.
When would you use a Flyer and when would you use a Store?A flyer is typically limited to a weekly or a monthly campaign, it includes a limited set of discounted items, for example in total 100 items. The store on the other hand includes the full or a large variety of products (e.g. 20,000 items) that sell in regular prices. Hence, you can create demand and engagement through the digital flyer, then redirect shoppers to the store where they can find more products that are more profitable for the seller. Both the flyer and the store could be fully customized for optimal results.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
What are online publications?Online publications today are commonly a PDF file that users download, open, flip and search. Types of online publications include simple PDFs, flipbooks, marketing flyers, promotional ads, and product catalogs. Online publications can be opened on all types of devices that consumers use. By adding video, audio, rich imagery, 3D and 360 views publications become more engaging, inspiring and available on web sites and used thru links via social and messaging platforms. xCircular takes online publications from their interactive level into the ecommerce. We do that by adding promotional and product information that enable shoppers to easily select items into their list or cart, auto-calculate their discounts and sale prices, and then checkout. By adding interactivity and clickability to ordinary publications we improve the customer experience, increase the number of shopping transactions and save significant time in the process.
What is an interactive document?Unlike passive PDF files that users can paginate and read, an interactive document embeds videos, images, links, 360 views of products and add shopping carts to it. Interactive documents include clickable hotspots, they draw more traffic, longer user engagement and they increase conversions.
What does a transactional publication means?Most publications today provide passive information to their readers. For example readers can search and read product information in a catalog. A transactional publication provides clickable hotspots and layers of information that help users make buying decisions and enable them to add items to a list for further action. Transactions you can fulfil using our publications include: Cart checkout, Place a Sales order, Request for Quote (RFQ), Request for Approval, Order now pickup later, and more.
What Checkout options are supported?The checkout step can be customized per publication in a variety of ways. In a retail promotional flyer or weekly ad for example, the product list could be sent to the customer’s ecommerce site for payment and delivery home. In a B2B product catalog the checkout step would email a selected product list to customer service for fulfilment, or email to the sales rep to request for a quote prior to the purchase. In a supermarket that uses social media to engage customers, shoppers could save time by ordering a list of deli items and come later to pick them up. In a restaurant, guests can scan a QR code to open a digital engaging menu on their phone, decide what to order and save wait time.
How long are my publications available online?For Subscribed users: Their publication will be removed at least 3 months after subscription is cancelled.
Who can see my published publications?Only people with the publication link can view them. You are in control of this link’s distribution.
Do you show ads on publications?No, we never show ads on flyers and catalogs. We keep them intact in their original source files.
Do you place watermarks on my publication?We don’t show watermarks in our publications.
Can I know how many people have visited my publications?Yes. You can access and view the publication stats to find out the number of visits, clicked interactions, source devices, web sites, item selected quantity and sales over time.
What value does the XC Flipbook add beyond viewing a PDF file?First, users save time by opening the flipbook from the cloud instead of waiting for long PDF file download before opening it from the local disk. Second, Emailing a large PDF file is inconvenient. Instead you can share or post the flipbook’s link and save time. Third, XC Flipbooks also enable to tailor publications with your logo, branding color and font; add Table of Contents, and share to social media. Most importantly, your free XC Flipbook account is a great foundation to upgrade to: XC Interactive Flyers that can double your audience engagement, or XC Shopping Flyers creating a new revenue stream for your products, or XC Digital Shelf Store , effectively displaying your full products range in an easy-to-buy from sales tool.
Is there any limit on the number, size and format of pages?We limit the number of pages per publication to 1000. If you need more, contact us. Page sizes cover regular magazines, catalog and digital newsletter sizes. Our various viewing and pagination options cover long or wide pages. It is your responsibility to provide sufficient pixel resolution in your publications to enable your viewers to comfortably read contents in the publication. We support PDF or JPG files when uploading publications. It is typically one PDF file per publication or one JPG file per page. We also support multiple PDF files upload to create a single publication. Print PDFs can sometimes be extremely large. Viewing them online does not require that large size per page, therefore, we reduce the pages’ size to improve display performance and save on storage.
How much storage does each publication take?It takes the size of the original pdf plus the size of all uploaded items and promos images via the Editor. To keep video storage in check we accept only links to streaming videos on YouTube or Vimeo channels. We also significantly reduce the size of publications’ page images to a readable size to save on storage. A typical publication takes a few Megabytes of storage.
What automatic publication removal options are there?In free accounts – we remove publications older than 3 months. In paid accounts – we remove publications older than 3 months after account cancellation.
Can I remove the xCircular logo from the publication?Yes, you can remove the XC logo when you subscribe to the Advanced package.
How can I use my own domain for the publication link?At present the flyer URL is in this format: https:/
How do I remove a publication?Log in, click the publication you want to remove in the Flyers dashboard, and click Delete.
What are account users?Account users are email addresses of a co-worker that you can invite to join your account and its flyers dashboard. They have full access to create, edit, and delete publications on your account.
Can you view the publication when offline?Our publications can only be viewed from the cloud, while being connected online.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter, and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
Can you view the publication when offline?Our publications can only be viewed from the cloud, while being connected online.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
What is a Shelf Store?XC Digital Store or Shelf Store is an innovative method of displaying a large number of products on the screen arranged by their 3 taxonomy levels. For example, one can find shampoo products in the “Health & Beauty” department of a store, in the “Hair Care” section and, in a rack of shelves displaying shampoos. Within the rack shampoos lay on shelves such that all items form the same brand are organized together in one area. This arrangement has several advantages. It is aesthetic, dense and allowing tens of similar items to be shown on the screen. Shoppers can just roll their eyes to visually browse and quickly find their product on the screen in a similar experience that they have in a physical store.
How does a Digital Flyer relate to a Shelf Store?While a digital flyer includes a select list of discounted products, users can go to the Shelf Store and see all the other products in that category that are fully priced. The Shelf Store helps marketers to extend their promotional flyers to a full store display, where shoppers can add items to the same shopping list. Users can jump back and forth between the flyer and the store, select products and checkout at once in the end of the process. The digital flyer is a tool to bring discount-looking shoppers on board, the shelf store helps the retailer to maintain higher margins by offering all their other products in the store.
When would you use a Flyer and when would you use a Store?A flyer is typically limited to a weekly or a monthly campaign, it includes a limited set of discounted items, for example in total 100 items. The store on the other hand includes the full or a large variety of products (e.g. 20,000 items) that sell in regular prices. Hence, you can create demand and engagement through the digital flyer, then redirect shoppers to the store where they can find more products that are more profitable for the seller. Both the flyer and the store could be fully customized for optimal results.
How is the Shelf Store different than an e-commerce store?Ecommerce websites display their products on a grid limited to between 5 to 15 products per screen at one time. For each product the shopper has to search, filter and narrow down what she is looking for. This is a time-consuming experience causing lots of repeats and some errors along the process. Since the Shelf Store is organized like a real store, searching and browsing is visual on a large number of items per screen. No keying in names, and no complex filtering are necessary. Shoppers quickly identify what they need and add to their shopping list. Grocery shoppers report up to 3 times faster experience using the Shelf Store compared to a common online store.
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